
    N002622 – “LES HURONS” executant une de leurs danses typiques: L’aigle, le messager fidele entre le grand Manitous et les indiens. / “LES HURONS” executing one of their typical dances: THE EAGLE, the faithful messenger between the great Manitou and the indians.
Province / District
    N000040 – Rosalind Dilworth in Ballet Egyptian

N002911 – « Les hurons » executing one of their typical dances: THE EAGLE, the faithful messenger between the great Manitou and the Indians. Chief of the group: Max One-Onti Gros-Louis, Villag Huron, P.Q. 14664-C.

Folk Dances of the World
Edited by Alkis Raftis 
International Dance Council – Conseil International de la Danse
CID, UNESCO,  1 rue Miollis,  FR-75732 Paris 15,  France
tel. +33 1 4568 4953